Explore books in the Anthropology category
44 books in this category
Who We Are and How We Got Here
David Reich
Explores human history through genetic research, revealing insights about ancient migrations and the mixing of populations.
Sex at Dawn
Christopher Ryan
Explores the evolutionary biology of human sexuality, challenging conventional views on monogamy and relationships.
The Old Way
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
A study of the lives of the Kalahari Bushmen, examining the hunter-gatherer lifestyle and its relevance to human evolution.
The Storytelling Animal
Jonathan Gottschall
Explores the human inclination for storytelling and its impact on culture, psychology, and evolution.
Robert Wright
Argues that human history and evolution are shaped by cooperative (nonzero-sum) interactions that drive cultural and biological development.
Fingerprints of the Gods
Graham Hancock
A controversial exploration of ancient civilizations, proposing alternative theories on human history and archaeology.
The Cosmic Serpent
Jeremy Narby
Explores the intersection of science and indigenous knowledge, theorizing that DNA may be connected to human consciousness.
Things Hidden Since the Foundation of the World
Rene Girard
Explores Girard’s theories on mimetic desire, scapegoating, and the origins of human culture.
The Sacred Mushroom and The Cross
John M. Allegro
Explores theories about early Christianity and the possible role of psychedelic mushrooms in religious rituals.
The Immortality Key
Brian C. Muraresku
Explores the theory that psychedelics played a role in the origins of Christianity and other ancient religions.
The WEIRDest People in the World
Joseph Henrich
Examines how Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies shaped human psychology and culture.
The Geography of Madness
Frank Bures
Explores culturally specific mental disorders and beliefs around the world, examining how culture impacts psychology.
The Evolution of Human Sexuality
Donald Symons
Examines human sexual behavior from an evolutionary perspective, exploring biological and psychological factors.
The Continuum Concept
Jean Liedloff
Advocates for a parenting philosophy inspired by indigenous cultures, emphasizing natural and instinctive childcare practices.
The Rites of Passage
Arnold van Gennep
A classic study on rituals and ceremonies that mark life’s transitions, from birth to death.
Against the Grain
James C. Scott
Challenges conventional views of civilization, suggesting that early societies may have intentionally resisted state formation.
Born to Run
Christopher McDougall
Explores the culture of the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico and their legendary endurance running abilities, promoting barefoot running.
The Tiger
John Vaillant
Chronicles the story of a Siberian tiger and the manhunt to capture it, exploring the relationship between humans and nature.
The Story of the Human Body
Daniel Lieberman
Explores human evolution and how modern lifestyles contribute to chronic health issues.
The 10,000 Year Explosion
Gregory Cochran
Proposes that human evolution has accelerated in recent history, influenced by environmental and cultural factors.
Children of Ash and Elm
Neil S. Price
A history of the Vikings, exploring their society, culture, and influence on Europe.
Food of the Gods
Terence McKenna
Explores the relationship between humans and psychoactive plants, arguing for their cultural significance.
A History of the World in 100 Objects
Neil MacGregor
A narrative history told through a collection of 100 objects from various cultures and time periods.
The World Until Yesterday
Jared Diamond
Compares traditional societies with modern ones, analyzing what we can learn from past practices.
The Teachings of Don Juan
Carlos Castaneda
A controversial book on shamanism and spiritual experiences, based on Castaneda’s time with a Yaqui sorcerer.
The Harmless People
Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
Describes Thomas’s experiences living among the San people of the Kalahari Desert.
Cows, Pigs, Wars, and Witches
Marvin Harris
Explores cultural phenomena through the lens of anthropology and societal needs.
Mircea Eliade
Examines shamanistic practices around the world and their role in various cultures.
Plants of the Gods
Richard Evans Schultes
Explores the cultural and spiritual significance of psychoactive plants.
The Way of the Animal Powers
Joseph Campbell
Examines myths and symbols related to animal powers across cultures.
Shamanism & the Sacred Cactus
Douglas Sharon
Explores shamanic traditions in Mexico, particularly with peyote rituals.
Magic Mushrooms Around the World
Jochen Gartz
Explores the history, use, and cultural significance of psychedelic mushrooms.
The Wheel of Time
Carlos Castaneda
A collection of Castaneda's teachings on shamanism and spiritual journeying.
Stone Age Economics
Marshall Sahlins
A study of the economic systems in prehistoric societies, challenging assumptions about “primitive” life.
Civilized to Death
Christopher Ryan
Examines how modern civilization affects human well-being, questioning if it’s better than the lives of our ancestors.
Born to Run
Bruce Springsteen
Explores the culture of the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico and their legendary endurance running abilities, promoting barefoot running.
The Dawn of Language
Sverker Johansson
Explores the origins and development of human language.
The Road to Eleusis
R. Gordon Wasson
Exploration of the role of psychedelics in ancient religious rituals.
The Psychedelic Journey of Marlene Dobkin de Rios
Marlene Dobkin de Rios Ph.D.
Study of shamanism and psychedelic experiences.
The Third Chimpanzee
Jared Diamond
Explores human evolution, behavior, and cultural practices.
The Interpretation of Cultures
Clifford Geertz
Seminal work on anthropology and understanding cultural symbols.