Explore books in the Design category
31 books in this category
The Design of Everyday Things
Don Norman
Explores the principles of design, focusing on usability and the importance of creating user-friendly products.
Don't Make Me Think
Steve Krug
A guide on web usability, emphasizing simplicity and intuitive design for enhancing user experience.
The Inmates Are Running the Asylum
Alan Cooper
Discusses the challenges of user-centered design in software development, advocating for better usability in technology products.
Tony Fadell
A memoir and business guide from the creator of the iPod and iPhone, sharing insights on product design and leadership.
Product Design for the Web
Randy J. Hunt
A practical guide to user-centered design, focusing on creating engaging web experiences.
Envisioning Information
Edward R. Tufte
Discusses principles for designing information visuals, emphasizing clarity, integrity, and aesthetics.
Visual Explanations
Edward R. Tufte
Explores techniques for explaining complex ideas visually, focusing on clarity and effective communication.
The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
Edward R. Tufte
A foundational text in data visualization, discussing methods for presenting quantitative data effectively.
Creative Selection
Ken Kocienda
A memoir by an Apple software engineer, detailing the design and development process at Apple.
Insanely Simple
Ken Segall
An insider’s look at Apple’s design philosophy, emphasizing the importance of simplicity in innovation.
How Buildings Learn
Stewart Brand
Explores how buildings adapt and evolve over time, examining architecture as a dynamic process.
The Timeless Way of Building
Christopher Alexander
Discusses architecture and urban design, proposing a philosophy that emphasizes harmony between buildings and their environment.
Stop Stealing Sheep & Find Out How Type Works
Erik Spiekermann
A guide to typography, discussing the principles of type design and its role in effective communication.
Order without Design
Alain Bertaud
Discusses urban planning and the importance of market-driven development for effective city organization.
The 99% Invisible City
Roman Mars
A look at the hidden design elements in urban life, revealing the thought and creativity that shape cities.
The Field Guide to Human-Centered Design
Explores design thinking and its application in creating user-centric solutions.
This is Service Design Thinking
Marc Stickdorn
A comprehensive guide to applying service design thinking principles.
The Design of Business
Roger L. Martin
Explores the intersection of design and business strategy.
Cradle to Cradle
Michael Braungart
Proposes an eco-friendly design philosophy that advocates for sustainable production.
Beautiful Evidence
Edward R. Tufte
Explores the visual presentation of information, emphasizing clarity and beauty.
Mindful Design
Scott Riley
A guide to integrating mindfulness principles into UX and digital design.
The Cult of LEGO
John Baichtal
Celebrates the cultural impact of LEGO through its history and influence.
User Interface Design for Programmers
Joel Spolsky
Guide to UI design focused on usability for programmers.
Rocket Surgery Made Easy
Steve Krug
Practical guide to conducting user testing for better design.
The Upcycle
William McDonough
Discusses sustainable design principles and practices for a healthier environment.
Designing Your Life
Bill Burnett
Framework for creating a fulfilling and meaningful life through design thinking.