Explore books in the Evolution category
10 books in this category
The Vital Question
Nick Lane
Explores the origins of life, examining how energy flow drives biological processes.
The Red Queen
Matt Ridley
Discusses the evolutionary arms race, focusing on how competition shapes biological traits and social behaviors.
The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
Explores the process of evolution, emphasizing natural selection as a "blind" force that shapes complex life forms.
At Home in the Universe
Stuart Kauffman
Explores the concept of self-organization in the universe, offering insights into the origins of life and complexity.
Life Ascending
Nick Lane
Explores the evolutionary processes behind life’s major developments, from DNA to complex cells.
The 10,000 Year Explosion
Gregory Cochran
Proposes that human evolution has accelerated in recent history, influenced by environmental and cultural factors.
Mean Genes
Terry Burnham
Explores how evolutionary biology and genetics influence human behavior, including decision-making and risk.
River Out of Eden
Richard Dawkins
Explores the theory of evolution from a genetic perspective, presenting it as a "river of DNA" over generations.
Cognitive Gadgets
Cecilia Heyes
Examines how human thinking has evolved through social interactions and cultural learning.
The Beak of the Finch
Jonathan Weiner
Chronicles evolutionary research on the Galápagos finches and Darwin’s theory of natural selection.