Global Studies
Explore books in the Global Studies category
10 books in this category

The Post-American World
Fareed Zakaria
Analyzes the shift in global power dynamics, with the rise of nations outside of the Western sphere.

The Rise and Fall of Nations
Ruchir Sharma
Analyzes the economic rise and decline of nations, focusing on trends that shape global prosperity.

Start-up Nation
Dan Senor
Examines Israel's success in technology and innovation, offering insights into the country’s entrepreneurial culture.

The Mystery of Capital
Hernando De Soto
Examines why capitalism works in some countries and fails in others, focusing on property rights and economic infrastructure.

Getting Better
Charles Kenny
Argues that global health, education, and human rights have improved significantly in recent decades.

How the West Grew Rich
Nathan Rosenberg
Examines the economic and cultural factors that contributed to Western prosperity.

How to Spend $50 Billion to Make the World a Better Place
Bj√∏rn Lomborg
Proposes strategies for prioritizing global investments to solve pressing issues, using cost-benefit analysis.

The Bottom Billion
Paul Collier
Examination of the poorest countries and the global challenges they face.

A World-Class Education
Vivien Stewart
Exploration of international education systems and best practices.