Explore books in the Government category
10 books in this category

Breaking the Two-Party Doom Loop
Lee Drutman
Advocates for reforming the U.S. political system to allow for more political diversity and reduce polarization.

The Polarized Presidency of George W. Bush
George C. Edwards III
Analyzes the factors behind the polarized political climate during George W. Bush’s presidency.

Beyond Ideology
Frances E. Lee
Examines how partisanship affects the legislative process in the U.S. Congress, analyzing voting patterns and policymaking.

Why the Electoral College Is Bad for America
George C. Edwards III
Argues against the U.S. Electoral College system, examining its flaws and proposing alternative methods.

Neal Katyal
Examines the legal grounds and processes for impeachment in the United States, focusing on recent cases.

Stealth Democracy
John R. Hibbing
Discusses Americans’ disinterest in politics and the desire for non-visible democratic processes.

George C. Edwards III
Examines the effectiveness of presidential power and decision-making in the United States.

Predicting the Presidency
George C. Edwards III
Analyzes factors that influence presidential success in policy-making.

Let the People Pick the President
Jesse Wegman
Argues for abolishing the electoral college and reforming U.S. elections.

The Fifth Risk
Michael Lewis
Investigates the risks and challenges facing the U.S. government and its institutions.