Explore books in the Linguistics category
9 books in this category

Metaphors We Live By
George Lakoff
Examines how metaphors shape our thinking and language, showing their influence on perception and behavior.

The Language Instinct
Steven Pinker
A look at how language develops, arguing that it is an innate part of the human brain.

Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
George Lakoff
Discusses the relationship between language, cognition, and categorization, challenging traditional ideas in linguistics.

The Mental Life of Modernism
Samuel Jay Keyser
Examines the cognitive and linguistic influences on modernist literature, focusing on how modernist writers depicted consciousness.

The Loom of Language
Frederick Bodmer
A comprehensive introduction to languages and linguistics, examining language evolution and structure.

Orality and Literacy
Walter J. Ong
Analyzes the shift from oral to written culture, exploring its effects on human thought and society.

In Other Words
Ellen Bialystok
Discusses bilingualism and cognitive science, exploring the effects of learning and speaking multiple languages.

The Story of Writing
Andrew Robinson
A history of written language, examining the development of different writing systems worldwide.

The Dawn of Language
Sverker Johansson
Explores the origins and development of human language.