Media Studies
Explore books in the Media Studies category
7 books in this category

Understanding Comics
Scott McCloud
A comprehensive guide to the art and language of comics, exploring their history, techniques, and cultural impact.

The Journalist And The Murderer
Janet Malcolm
Examines the ethical complexities of journalism, focusing on the relationship between a writer and a convicted murderer.

Bad Science
Ben Goldacre
A critique of how science is misrepresented in the media, exploring issues in health, pseudoscience, and public perception.

Interface Culture
Steven A. Johnson
Examines the impact of technology on culture, focusing on human-computer interfaces and digital media.

Age of Propaganda
Anthony R. Pratkanis
Examines the tactics and psychology behind modern propaganda and persuasion.

The Social Photo
Nathan Jurgenson
Examines the role of photography in social media and self-expression.

Hate Inc.
Matt Taibbi
Examination of the media industry and its role in dividing public opinion.