Explore books in the Neuroscience category
18 books in this category

Robert M. Sapolsky
An exploration of human behavior from a biological and social perspective, delving into neuroscience, psychology, and ethics.

The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Julian Jaynes
Proposes a theory on the development of consciousness, arguing that it evolved as societies grew more complex.

On Intelligence
Jeff Hawkins
Presents a theory of how the brain processes information, with implications for artificial intelligence.

Stealing Fire
Steven Kotler
Investigates altered states of consciousness and how they can enhance creativity and performance.

The Hour Between Dog and Wolf
John Coates
Examines how the body's physiological responses impact decision-making in high-stress financial environments.

The Invisible Gorilla
Christopher F. Chabris
Examines cognitive biases and perceptual illusions, showing how our minds can miss obvious information.

Brain Architecture
Larry W. Swanson
Provides an overview of the structure and function of the human brain, linking anatomy to behavior.

Affective Neuroscience
Jaak Panksepp
Explores the neural basis of emotions, focusing on how the brain generates emotional responses.

The New Executive Brain
Elkhonon Goldberg
Examines the latest research on the brain, focusing on executive functions and cognitive aging.

The Neuropsychology of Anxiety
Jeffrey A. Gray
Investigates the neural basis of anxiety, exploring how brain function influences emotional responses and mental health.

Daniel J. Siegel
A guide to understanding the mind’s development, blending neuroscience and psychology for insights into mental well-being.

Altered Traits
Daniel Goleman
Analyzes the science behind meditation, exploring how it changes the brain and can lead to lasting benefits.

This Is Your Brain on Music
Daniel J. Levitin
Analyzes how the brain processes music and its influence on human emotions and behavior.

Mapping the Mind
Rita Carter
A guide to how the brain works, mapping various functions and exploring recent discoveries in neuroscience.

How Emotions Are Made
Lisa Feldman Barrett
A theory on how emotions are constructed by the brain, challenging traditional views on emotions.

Mind Wide Open
Steven Johnson
Explores how the brain works and what modern neuroscience reveals about the human mind.

The Fear Factor
Abigail Marsh
Insights into the psychology and neuroscience of altruism and empathy.