Explore books in the Nutrition category
15 books in this category
Good Calories, Bad Calories
Gary Taubes
Challenges conventional dietary wisdom, advocating for a low-carb, high-fat diet based on scientific research.
The China Study
T. Colin Campbell
A comprehensive study on nutrition and its impact on health, advocating for a plant-based diet.
The Plant Paradox
Dr. Steven R Gundry MD
Explores how certain plant proteins (lectins) may cause health issues, advocating for a diet that minimizes these.
Why We Get Fat
Gary Taubes
Challenges conventional wisdom on diet and obesity, advocating for a low-carbohydrate approach to weight management.
The Case Against Sugar
Gary Taubes
A critical look at the health effects of sugar, arguing it plays a major role in obesity and chronic diseases.
Mindless Eating
Brian Wansink Ph.d.
Examines the unconscious factors that influence eating habits, offering insights into healthier choices.
The Cheese Trap
Neal D Barnard
A critique of dairy products in the diet, advocating for a plant-based lifestyle and discussing health benefits.
The Forks Over Knives Plan
Alona Pulde M.D.
A guide to plant-based eating, focusing on recipes and health benefits for a sustainable diet.
The Paleo Solution
Robb Wolf
Advocates for the Paleo diet, discussing its health benefits and providing nutritional guidance.
Should We Eat Meat?
Vaclav Smil
Investigates the environmental and health impacts of meat consumption.
Deep Nutrition
Catherine Shanahan
Connects diet and health, promoting ancestral eating practices.
The Complete Guide to Fasting
Dr. Jason Fung
Guide to fasting, covering health benefits, methods, and scientific insights on nutrition.
The Longevity Solution
Dr. James DiNicolantonio
Focuses on nutritional and lifestyle strategies for living a long, healthy life.
Mucusless Diet Healing System
Arnold Ehret
Advocates for a plant-based, mucus-free diet for health improvement.