Explore books in the Psychology category
450 books in this category
Robert M. Sapolsky
An exploration of human behavior from a biological and social perspective, delving into neuroscience, psychology, and ethics.
The Courage to Be Disliked
Ichiro Kishimi
Discusses the philosophy of individual freedom and self-acceptance.
Vivek H Murthy M.D.
Explores the science of social connection, emphasizing the importance of combating loneliness for health and well-being.
12 Rules for Life
Jordan Peterson
Offers twelve profound principles for living a meaningful life, combining psychology, philosophy, and personal anecdotes.
Stolen Focus
Johann Hari
Examines why people are losing their ability to concentrate, exploring societal factors that contribute to distraction and proposing solutions.
How to Decide
Annie Duke
Provides a framework for making better decisions using insights from cognitive psychology and decision science.
The Denial of Death
Ernest Becker
Analyzes how the fear of death influences human behavior, culture, and psychological motivations.
The Coddling of the American Mind
Greg Lukianoff
Discusses how overprotection and the avoidance of discomfort are leading to increased anxiety and decreased resilience among young people.
Stumbling on Happiness
Daniel Todd Gilbert
Investigates why people are poor at predicting what will make them happy, delving into cognitive biases and perception.
Robert Cialdini
Explores how to prepare people to be receptive to a message before they experience it, enhancing persuasive effectiveness.
Angela Duckworth
Argues that passion and perseverance (grit) are more crucial to success than talent alone, backed by research and real-life examples.
Predictably Irrational
Dan Ariely
Investigates the hidden forces that shape our decisions, revealing that human behavior often defies logical economic models.
Sex at Dawn
Christopher Ryan
Explores the evolutionary biology of human sexuality, challenging conventional views on monogamy and relationships.
The Wisdom of Crowds
James Surowiecki
Argues that groups are often smarter than individuals, exploring decision-making in collective contexts.
The Culture Code
Daniel Coyle
Examines how successful teams create strong cultures, offering insights on collaboration and trust.
The Rise of Superman
Steven Kotler
Examines the state of "flow" in extreme sports, discussing how athletes push human limits and achieve peak performance.
The Undoing Project
Michael Lewis
Chronicles the collaboration between psychologists Daniel Kahneman and Amos Tversky, who pioneered behavioral economics.
The Design of Everyday Things
Don Norman
Explores the principles of design, focusing on usability and the importance of creating user-friendly products.
Daniel Pink
Explores what motivates people, emphasizing autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
Robert Greene
Explores the process of attaining mastery by studying the lives and techniques of historical figures.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Introduces the concept of "flow" as the state of optimal experience, discussing how people can achieve happiness through fully engaging activities.
Search Inside Yourself
Chade-Meng Tan
A mindfulness and emotional intelligence program developed at Google, combining meditation and neuroscience.
Lord of the Flies
William Golding
A novel about a group of boys stranded on an island who descend into savagery, exploring themes of civilization and human nature.
Susan Cain
Explores the power of introverts in a society that values extroversion, advocating for a balance of personality types in workplaces and schools.
Status Anxiety
Alain de Botton
Examines why people are obsessed with social status and how it affects mental health and happiness.
The Shallows
Nicholas Carr
Discusses how the internet affects cognitive abilities, including attention span and memory.
Deep Survival
Laurence Gonzales
Explores the psychology and science behind survival, analyzing why some people survive life-threatening situations while others do not.
The Happiness Hypothesis
Jonathan Haidt
Explores ancient and modern perspectives on happiness, integrating psychological research with philosophical insights.
The Storytelling Animal
Jonathan Gottschall
Explores the human inclination for storytelling and its impact on culture, psychology, and evolution.
The Origin of Consciousness in the Breakdown of the Bicameral Mind
Julian Jaynes
Proposes a theory on the development of consciousness, arguing that it evolved as societies grew more complex.
The Inner Game of Tennis
W. Timothy Gallwey
Applies mental techniques from sports to everyday life, showing how to improve focus, performance, and self-confidence.
Expert Political Judgment
Philip E. Tetlock
Analyzes political forecasting, discussing why some experts are more accurate than others and exploring cognitive biases in judgment.
The 5 Love Languages
Gary Chapman
A guide to improving relationships by understanding the different ways people express and receive love.
On Intelligence
Jeff Hawkins
Presents a theory of how the brain processes information, with implications for artificial intelligence.
The Road to Character
David Brooks
Examines the concept of character development, contrasting "resume virtues" and "eulogy virtues" in the pursuit of a meaningful life.
The Healing Journey
Claudio Naranjo
Explores holistic approaches to mental health and healing, integrating psychology, spirituality, and personal growth.
Luke Burgis
Explores mimetic desire—how we are influenced by others' wants—and how this shapes personal and cultural decisions.
Maybe You Should Talk to Someone
Lori Gottlieb
A therapist’s memoir that reveals the complexities of therapy and human connection, with insights on personal growth.
The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time
Mark Haddon
A novel narrated by a young boy with autism, offering a unique perspective on life, family, and mystery.
The Success Equation
Michael Mauboussin
Explores the role of luck versus skill in business, sports, and life, offering insights on decision-making and performance.
Solve for Happy
Mo Gawdat
A former Google engineer shares a formula for happiness, addressing common mental obstacles and ways to achieve contentment.
The Creative Curve
Allen Gannett
Challenges the myth of the "creative genius" by examining the science of creativity and how it can be cultivated.
What Doesn't Kill Us
Scott Carney
A journalist explores the science of resilience, endurance, and physical adaptation by following extreme conditioning practices.
The Doors of Perception and Heaven and Hell
Aldous Huxley
An exploration of consciousness and perception, based on Huxley’s experiences with psychedelics.
Nicholas A. Christakis
Discusses the role of genetics and social structures in shaping human behavior, advocating for a biological approach to sociology.
Nir Eyal
A guide on how to manage distractions and improve focus in the digital age, with practical strategies for increasing productivity.
What's Our Problem?
Tim Urban
Explores societal issues and cultural divides, combining humor and research to offer solutions for improving collective understanding.
Chip Heath
A guide to implementing change, focusing on motivating people and overcoming resistance to change.
Ordinary Men
Christopher R. Browning
Examines how a group of German soldiers became complicit in atrocities during WWII, exploring the psychology of obedience and morality.
Joy on Demand
Chade-Meng Tan
Discusses mindfulness techniques for cultivating happiness and emotional well-being.
Stealing Fire
Steven Kotler
Investigates altered states of consciousness and how they can enhance creativity and performance.
A Mind at Home with Itself
Byron Katie
Explores self-inquiry as a path to mental clarity and inner peace, based on the author’s philosophy known as “The Work.”
The Hot Hand
Ben Cohen
Explores the concept of the "hot hand" phenomenon in sports, decision-making, and risk, and whether it's a real effect or cognitive bias.
The Origins of Virtue
Matt Ridley
Explores the biological roots of human cooperation, arguing that evolutionary factors influence moral behavior and social cohesion.
The 48 Laws of Power
Robert Greene
A controversial guide to gaining and maintaining power, drawing on historical examples and psychological insights.
Moonwalking with Einstein
Joshua Foer
Chronicles the author's journey into memory training, exploring techniques and insights on memory improvement.
The Hour Between Dog and Wolf
John Coates
Examines how the body's physiological responses impact decision-making in high-stress financial environments.
Reasons and Persons
Derek Parfit
A philosophical examination of identity, ethics, and rationality, discussing complex moral dilemmas.
Metaphors We Live By
George Lakoff
Examines how metaphors shape our thinking and language, showing their influence on perception and behavior.
The Invisible Gorilla
Christopher F. Chabris
Examines cognitive biases and perceptual illusions, showing how our minds can miss obvious information.
59 Seconds
Richard Wiseman
A guide to quick, evidence-based strategies for improving happiness, motivation, and decision-making.
Machete Season
Jean Hatzfeld
Chronicles the testimonies of Hutu men who participated in the Rwandan genocide, exploring the psychology of violence.
Malcolm Gladwell
Discusses the power of intuition and rapid cognition, examining how split-second decisions are made.
Talking to Strangers
Malcolm Gladwell
Explores how misunderstandings between strangers lead to conflict, using psychology and real-world examples.
The Laws of Human Nature
Robert Greene
A guide to understanding human behavior, exploring psychological traits that drive people’s actions.
Mindless Eating
Brian Wansink Ph.d.
Examines the unconscious factors that influence eating habits, offering insights into healthier choices.
Awakening Joy
James Baraz
A practical guide to happiness through mindfulness and positive habits, based on a popular course by the authors.
Play It Away
Charlie Hoehn
A memoir and guide on overcoming anxiety through play and stress reduction techniques.
Triumphs of Experience
George E. Vaillant
Follows the lives of Harvard study participants to explore factors contributing to happiness and health across decades.
The Evolving Self
Robert Kegan
Discusses the stages of adult development and how people make sense of the world at each stage.
In Over Our Heads
Robert Kegan
Examines the challenges adults face as they encounter complex demands in modern life, advocating for developmental growth.
Memories, Dreams, Reflections
Carl Jung
An autobiographical exploration of Jung’s life, dreams, and theories on the unconscious.
The Archetypes and The Collective Unconscious
Carl Jung
Explores Jung’s theories on universal archetypes and the collective unconscious, foundational to Jungian psychology.
The Power of Full Engagement
Jim Loehr
Discusses strategies for managing energy rather than time to achieve peak performance and well-being.
The Halo Effect
Phil Rosenzweig
Critiques common business myths and biases, examining how perception often skews understanding of company performance.
The Happiness Advantage
Shawn Achor
Presents research-backed strategies for increasing happiness to improve productivity and success.
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders
American Psychiatric Association
The primary reference for diagnosing mental health disorders, detailing symptoms and classifications.
Rick Strassman
Explores the effects of the psychedelic compound DMT, based on the author's research and personal experiences.
Alexander Shulgin
Chronicles Shulgin’s research on psychedelic compounds, detailing chemical formulas and personal experiences.
Brain Rules
John Medina
Discusses twelve principles for optimizing brain function, covering memory, attention, and learning.
You're Not Listening
Kate Murphy
Discusses the importance of listening in personal and professional relationships, offering tips to improve listening skills.
Getting the Love You Want
Harville Hendrix Ph.D.
A guide to building healthy relationships, providing techniques for improving communication and intimacy.
The WEIRDest People in the World
Joseph Henrich
Examines how Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic (WEIRD) societies shaped human psychology and culture.
Loving What Is
Byron Katie
Introduces "The Work," a method for questioning stressful thoughts to find inner peace and clarity.
Wherever You Go, There You Are
Jon Kabat-Zinn
A guide to mindfulness meditation, focusing on being present and finding peace in the moment.
Words That Work
Frank Luntz
Discusses the power of language in shaping public opinion and provides insights into effective communication.
Robert Cialdini
Offers practical techniques for persuasion, drawing from psychological principles to improve influence and negotiation.
Think Twice
Michael Mauboussin
Explores common decision-making biases and offers strategies for making better choices.
Waking Up
Sam Harris
Explores secular spirituality and meditation, encouraging a rational approach to mindfulness.
Sebastian Junger
Examines how communal values and belonging contribute to well-being, focusing on modern society's challenges.
Rage Becomes Her
Soraya Chemaly
Explores how society suppresses women’s anger, arguing for its importance in empowering and effecting change.
The Upside of Stress
Kelly McGonigal
Explains how rethinking stress can lead to positive outcomes, encouraging resilience and growth.
Being with Dying
Joan Halifax
A guide to end-of-life care, discussing mindfulness and compassion in facing death.
Daring Greatly
Brené Brown
Explores the power of vulnerability in relationships and leadership, advocating for openness and resilience.
The Psychedelic Explorer's Guide
James Fadiman
A guide to safe psychedelic experiences, focusing on therapeutic uses and personal growth.
The Geography of Madness
Frank Bures
Explores culturally specific mental disorders and beliefs around the world, examining how culture impacts psychology.
As A Man Thinketh
James Allen
A classic self-help book on the power of thoughts and how they shape one’s character and life.
Don't Shoot the Dog!
Karen Pryor
A guide to behavior modification using positive reinforcement, with applications in both animals and humans.
Thomas E. Gaddis
A biography of Carl Panzram, a notorious criminal, examining his life and the factors that shaped his violent behavior.
Nonviolent Communication
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Introduces methods for improving communication through empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution.
On Having No Head
Douglas Edison Harding
A spiritual exploration of self-awareness and consciousness, encouraging a new perspective on identity.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces
Joseph Campbell
Analyzes the universal hero myth, showing recurring themes in mythology and storytelling across cultures.
A Whole New Mind
Daniel Pink
Argues that creative and right-brain skills are essential for future success, exploring the rise of empathy and storytelling.
The Blank Slate
Steven Pinker
Challenges the idea of the human mind as a blank slate, arguing for the role of biology in shaping personality and behavior.
Leonard Mlodinow
Explores the hidden influences on human behavior, focusing on the unconscious mind and decision-making.
Black Box Thinking
Matthew Syed
Discusses how learning from failure and adopting a growth mindset can lead to success in business and life.
Alexander Shulgin
Chronicles the Shulgins’ research on psychoactive compounds, focusing on tryptamines and their effects on consciousness.
The Watchman's Rattle
Rebecca Costa
Analyzes how human evolution impacts problem-solving, discussing how society can overcome complex global issues.
The Elephant in the Brain
Kevin Simler
Explores the hidden motives behind human behavior, arguing that much of what we do is driven by self-interest and social signaling.
The Formula
Albert-László Barabási
Examines the science of success, identifying patterns and factors that lead to achievement in various fields.
From Strength to Strength
Arthur C. Brooks
Offers guidance on finding purpose and fulfillment later in life, emphasizing resilience and spiritual well-being.
The Puzzler
A.J. Jacobs
A lighthearted exploration of puzzles and the human fascination with problem-solving, covering various types of puzzles and their history.
Emotional Intelligence
Daniel Goleman
Explores the concept of emotional intelligence and its importance in personal and professional success.
A Whack on the Side of the Head
Roger von Oech
A creativity guide offering exercises and techniques for breaking out of conventional thinking patterns.
The Extended Mind
Annie Murphy Paul
Discusses how thinking is shaped by interactions with our environment, social connections, and bodily experiences.
Digital Minimalism
Cal Newport
Advocates for a more intentional use of technology to reclaim focus, productivity, and mental well-being.
Eat That Frog!
Brian Tracy
A productivity guide encouraging people to tackle their most challenging tasks first to improve focus and efficiency.
The Biggest Bluff
Maria Konnikova
A psychologist’s journey into the world of poker, exploring how decision-making and risk can be applied to life.
Radical Acceptance
Tara Brach
A guide to mindfulness and self-compassion, encouraging readers to embrace themselves fully.
Martin Lindstrom
Analyzes how neuromarketing reveals consumers' hidden motivations, exploring why people buy what they do.
Escape from Evil
Ernest Becker
Explores the psychological and societal roots of human violence, building on Becker’s theories from *The Denial of Death.*
Nature Via Nurture
Matt Ridley
Discusses the interplay between genetics and environment, challenging the nature vs. nurture debate.
The Game
Neil Strauss
A memoir and guide on pickup artistry, exploring dating techniques and the psychology of attraction.
Freedom from the Known
Jiddu Krishnamurti
Explores Krishnamurti’s ideas on individuality, freedom, and self-awareness, encouraging a break from societal conditioning.
Mating in Captivity
Esther Perel
Explores the complexities of desire and intimacy in long-term relationships, blending psychology with personal insight.
Steven D. Levitt
Explores unconventional economic phenomena, providing counterintuitive insights on human behavior and incentives.
There's a Spiritual Solution to Every Problem
Wayne W. Dyer
Offers a guide to solving life’s challenges through spiritual principles and positive thinking.
Being Wrong
Kathryn Schulz
Explores the psychology of error, examining why we make mistakes and how we can learn from them.
The Language Instinct
Steven Pinker
A look at how language develops, arguing that it is an innate part of the human brain.
The Big Leap
Gay Hendricks
A guide to overcoming self-imposed limitations and achieving success, focusing on personal growth and fulfillment.
The Myth of Mental Illness
Thomas S. Szasz
Critiques the concept of mental illness, arguing that it is a social construct rather than a medical condition.
Your Brain at Work
David Rock
Offers neuroscience-based strategies for improving productivity and managing stress in the workplace.
The Honest Truth About Dishonesty
Dan Ariely
Explores the psychology of dishonesty, examining why people lie and how context influences moral behavior.
Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
Examines the nature of creativity and how individuals can cultivate it, based on psychological research.
Against Empathy
Paul Bloom
Argues that empathy can lead to biased decisions and explores the benefits of rational compassion.
Primed to Perform
Neel Doshi
A guide to workplace motivation, focusing on how companies can create high-performing cultures.
The Paradox of Choice
Barry Schwartz
Examines how too many choices can lead to anxiety and dissatisfaction, advocating for a balanced approach to decision-making.
The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck
Mark Manson
A self-help book that challenges conventional advice on happiness, advocating for embracing life’s challenges and focusing on what truly matters.
Robert A. Johnson
Explores the psychology of romantic relationships through Jungian concepts, analyzing gender and love dynamics.
Faces of the Enemy
Sam Keen
Examines how societies dehumanize enemies, exploring the psychology behind warfare and conflict.
The HeartMath Solution
Doc Lew Childre
Offers techniques for managing stress and improving heart health through the HeartMath system.
Perfectly Confident
Don A Moore
Examines the science of confidence, offering guidance on balancing self-assurance with humility in decision-making.
How to Talk to Anyone
Leil Lowndes
A guide to improving social skills, providing tips for better communication and building rapport.
Making Sense of People
Samuel Barondes
Explores personality traits and psychological insights to help understand and work effectively with others.
Uncommon Genius
Denise Shekerjian
Explores creativity through interviews with MacArthur "genius" grant recipients, offering insights into the nature of creative thinking.
Sex on the Brain
Deborah Blum
Investigates the science of sex, exploring the biological and psychological factors that influence sexual behavior.
Robert Plomin
Discusses the role of genetics and social structures in shaping human behavior, advocating for a biological approach to sociology.
The Art of Possibility
Rosamund Stone Zander
A self-help book focused on adopting a positive mindset and finding creative opportunities in life.
Compelling People
John Neffinger
A guide to building charisma, combining insights from psychology and communication to help readers influence others.
Strangers Drowning
Larissa MacFarquhar
Examines the lives of people who dedicate themselves to extreme altruism, exploring the ethical and psychological aspects.
Geoffrey Miller
Explores how consumer behavior and status-seeking influence our evolutionary psychology.
John Kay
Explores the idea that achieving goals indirectly, rather than head-on, can lead to greater success and fulfillment.
A First-Rate Madness
S. Nassir Ghaemi
Argues that some mental illnesses may provide advantages in leadership, examining historical figures for evidence.
Drunk Tank Pink
Adam Alter
Examines how environmental factors subtly influence human behavior and decision-making.
The Body Keeps the Score
Bessel van der Kolk
Explores the effects of trauma on the body and mind, offering insights into therapeutic approaches for healing.
The Broken Ladder
Keith Payne
Investigates the psychological effects of inequality and how economic disparity influences health and social behavior.
Héctor García
Explores the Japanese concept of "ikigai" (life purpose), offering insights on finding happiness and meaning.
Modern Man In Search of a Soul
Carl Jung
A collection of essays exploring Jungian psychology and its application to understanding the human mind.
The Evolution of Human Sexuality
Donald Symons
Examines human sexual behavior from an evolutionary perspective, exploring biological and psychological factors.
Brain Architecture
Larry W. Swanson
Provides an overview of the structure and function of the human brain, linking anatomy to behavior.
Affective Neuroscience
Jaak Panksepp
Explores the neural basis of emotions, focusing on how the brain generates emotional responses.
The New Executive Brain
Elkhonon Goldberg
Examines the latest research on the brain, focusing on executive functions and cognitive aging.
The Neuropsychology of Anxiety
Jeffrey A. Gray
Investigates the neural basis of anxiety, exploring how brain function influences emotional responses and mental health.
The Continuum Concept
Jean Liedloff
Advocates for a parenting philosophy inspired by indigenous cultures, emphasizing natural and instinctive childcare practices.
Organizing Genius
Warren Bennis
Examines the qualities of successful teams and innovative leaders, highlighting case studies of exceptional collaborations.
Forgive and Remember
Charles L. L. Bosk
Explores the medical profession, focusing on the culture of error and forgiveness in hospital settings.
The Educated Mind
Kieran Egan
Proposes a new approach to education, emphasizing imaginative thinking and personalized learning.
Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things
George Lakoff
Discusses the relationship between language, cognition, and categorization, challenging traditional ideas in linguistics.
The Way Out
Peter T. Coleman
Discusses strategies for overcoming complex conflicts, blending psychological and sociological perspectives.
The Mental Life of Modernism
Samuel Jay Keyser
Examines the cognitive and linguistic influences on modernist literature, focusing on how modernist writers depicted consciousness.
The Mind Doesn't Work That Way
Jerry A. Fodor
Critiques computational theories of mind, arguing that human cognition is more complex than computational models suggest.
Social Cognition
Ziva Kunda
A textbook on social cognition, covering how people perceive, remember, and interpret social information.
Touching the Rock
John Hull
A memoir of a man who lost his sight, providing a unique perspective on blindness and sensory experience.
Thinking In Pictures
John Sayles
Discusses the process of filmmaking, with insights from director John Sayles on storytelling and visual thinking.
Tom Vanderbilt
Examines the psychology and patterns of driving behavior, discussing the science behind traffic flow and road safety.
The Righteous Mind
Jonathan Haidt
Explores the psychological basis of morality, explaining why people hold different political and religious beliefs.
Chip Heath
A guide to making better decisions, offering practical tools to overcome biases and improve judgment.
Confessions of a Sociopath
M.E. Thomas
A memoir by a diagnosed sociopath, offering insights into her life, thought processes, and behavior.
Henry Cloud
Discusses the importance of setting personal boundaries for mental health and relationships, with practical guidance for various life situations.
On Killing
Dave Grossman
Analyzes the psychological effects of killing in combat, discussing the impact on soldiers and society.
Hold Me Tight
Dr. Sue Johnson
A guide to strengthening relationships using Emotionally Focused Therapy, with practical advice for couples.
Six Thinking Hats
Edward de Bono
A guide to improving decision-making by considering different perspectives, represented as six metaphorical “thinking hats.”
David and Goliath
Malcolm Gladwell
Analyzes the concept of “underdogs” and explores how disadvantages can become strengths in unexpected ways.
Blue Mind
Wallace J. Nichols
Explores the psychological benefits of being near water, discussing how oceans and lakes affect human well-being.
Olga Khazan
Explores the experiences of people who feel “different” in society, examining the social and psychological impacts of being an outsider.
Hector Macdonald
Explores how truth is used and manipulated, discussing ways to detect and counteract misinformation.
Tim Harford
Encourages embracing failure as a means of innovation and learning, offering examples from various fields.
A Primer for Forgetting
Lewis Hyde
A meditation on memory, loss, and letting go, discussing the cultural and personal value of forgetting.
Richard E. Nisbett
Provides practical tools for critical thinking and decision-making, using insights from psychology and behavioral science.
Oliver Sacks
The story of Sacks’s work with patients who had been catatonic for decades, brought to life by a new drug.
The Emperor of Scent
Chandler Burr
The story of a scientist's quest to decode the sense of smell, blending science with personal obsession.
Getting To 'I Do'
Patricia Allen
A guide to relationships and marriage, offering advice on gender roles and communication in romantic partnerships.
The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity
Carlo M. Cipolla
A humorous yet insightful exploration of human behavior, focusing on the impact of stupidity on society.
A History of the Mind
Nicholas Humphrey
Explores theories of consciousness and the evolution of the human mind.
An Outline of Psycho-Analysis
Sigmund Freud
A summary of Freud’s psychoanalytic theories, discussing the unconscious, repression, and human behavior.
Play Dreams & Imitation in Childhood
Jean Piaget
Examines the role of play, dreams, and imitation in childhood development from a psychological perspective.
The Psychoanalytic Theory of Neurosis
Otto Fenichel M.D.
Discusses psychoanalytic views on neurosis, exploring its causes, symptoms, and treatments.
Civilization and Its Discontents
Sigmund Freud
Examines the conflict between human instinct and societal expectations, exploring themes of repression and dissatisfaction.
No Two Alike
Judith Rich Harris
Discusses why individuals develop unique personalities, challenging traditional ideas on nature versus nurture.
Lydia Denworth
Examines the science of friendship, highlighting its benefits and the evolutionary role of social bonds.
The Way of Mindful Education
Daniel Rechtschaffen
Discusses how mindfulness can be integrated into education, benefiting students' mental health and focus.
Daniel J. Siegel
A guide to understanding the mind’s development, blending neuroscience and psychology for insights into mental well-being.
The Doctor and the Soul
Viktor E. Frankl
Discusses logotherapy, Frankl’s existential approach to psychology, focusing on finding meaning in life.
A Way of Being
Carl Rogers
A collection of Rogers’s writings on humanistic psychology, focusing on empathy, personal growth, and authenticity.
On Becoming a Person
Carl Rogers
A foundational work on client-centered therapy, discussing the process of personal development and self-actualization.
Into the Magic Shop
James R. Doty
A neurosurgeon’s memoir blending science and spirituality, focusing on lessons in mindfulness and compassion.
Altered Traits
Daniel Goleman
Analyzes the science behind meditation, exploring how it changes the brain and can lead to lasting benefits.
The Book of Joy
Dalai Lama
A dialogue between the Dalai Lama and Desmond Tutu on finding joy and resilience in difficult times.
Carl Jung
Explores Jung's theory of archetypes, with a focus on symbolism in religious and historical contexts.
Maps of Meaning
Jordan Peterson
Explores the role of myth and narrative in human psychology, focusing on how people make meaning of the world.
The Gift of Fear
Gavin de Becker
Discusses how intuition can help protect individuals from danger, promoting trust in one’s instincts.
Slow Sex
Nicole Daedone
Promotes a mindful approach to intimacy, exploring how slow sex can foster deeper connections.
The Professor, the Banker, and the Suicide King
Michael Craig
Chronicles a high-stakes poker game between billionaire banker Andy Beal and top poker players.
The No Asshole Rule
Robert I. Sutton
Examines workplace dynamics and offers strategies for creating a positive, respectful work environment.
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Ken Kesey
A novel set in a mental institution, exploring themes of authority, freedom, and rebellion.
The War for Kindness
Jamil Zaki
A study on empathy, exploring ways to nurture kindness in a divided world.
Susan Cain
Examines the complex emotions of sorrow and longing, and their roles in creativity and resilience.
This Is Your Brain on Music
Daniel J. Levitin
Analyzes how the brain processes music and its influence on human emotions and behavior.
The Evolution of Cooperation
Robert Axelrod
Explores how cooperation emerges among competing entities, using game theory and social science examples.
The Discovery of the Unconscious
Henri F. Ellenberger
A historical account of the development of psychoanalysis, focusing on figures like Freud and Jung.
The Drama of the Gifted Child
Alice Miller
Explores childhood trauma and its impact on adult behavior, advocating for self-awareness and healing.
The Interpretation of Dreams
Sigmund Freud
A seminal work on dream interpretation, where Freud introduces his theories on the unconscious.
Frames of Mind
Howard Gardner
Introduces Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences, redefining intelligence beyond traditional IQ measures.
Mean Genes
Terry Burnham
Explores how evolutionary biology and genetics influence human behavior, including decision-making and risk.
In Other Words
Ellen Bialystok
Discusses bilingualism and cognitive science, exploring the effects of learning and speaking multiple languages.
Seymour A. Papert
Discusses how computers can be used in education, focusing on Papert’s work with children and technology.
Zero Limits
Joe Vitale
A self-help book introducing Ho'oponopono, a Hawaiian practice for mental clarity and emotional healing.
Why Don't Students Like School?
Daniel T. Willingham
Discusses cognitive science principles to make learning more effective and engaging for students.
Inevitable Illusions
Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini
Discusses cognitive biases and decision-making errors, drawing from psychology and behavioral science.
Altered States of Consciousness
Charles T. Tart
A study on various states of consciousness, including meditation, hypnosis, and dreams.
William Seabrook
Chronicles the author's experiences in a mental institution, providing a personal view on mental health issues.
The Reproduction of Mothering
Nancy J. Chodorow
A psychoanalytic exploration of mother-child relationships and the formation of gender identity.
Mapping the Mind
Rita Carter
A guide to how the brain works, mapping various functions and exploring recent discoveries in neuroscience.
Nicolas Langlitz
Examines the intersection of neuroscience and psychedelics, exploring their use in therapeutic settings.
Judgment Under Uncertainty
Daniel Kahneman
Discusses cognitive biases in decision-making, foundational work in behavioral economics.
Examines the nature of genius and intelligence, exploring cognitive abilities and personality traits.
Thinking and Deciding
Jonathan Baron
An in-depth look at human decision-making processes, covering biases, logic, and problem-solving.
Why Are We Yelling?
Buster Benson
Examines communication and conflict resolution strategies for personal and professional relationships.
How Emotions Are Made
Lisa Feldman Barrett
A theory on how emotions are constructed by the brain, challenging traditional views on emotions.
Mistakes Were Made (But Not by Me)
Carol Tavris
Explores cognitive dissonance and why people justify their mistakes, with practical advice on self-awareness.
Anders Ericsson
Explores the concept of deliberate practice and how it leads to expertise in various fields.
Derren Brown
Examines the philosophy of happiness and offers practical advice on finding fulfillment.
The Highly Sensitive Person
Elaine N. Aron
Discusses the traits of highly sensitive people and how they can manage their sensitivity in everyday life.
When I Say No, I Feel Guilty
Manuel J. Smith
A self-help guide on assertiveness and setting boundaries without guilt.
A Path with Heart
Jack Kornfield
A guide to spiritual and psychological healing through meditation and mindfulness practices.
The Wisdom of the Enneagram
Don Richard Riso
A comprehensive guide to the Enneagram, exploring personality types and paths to self-awareness.
The Power of a Positive No
William Ury
A guide on saying “no” effectively while maintaining positive relationships.
The Whole-Brain Child
Daniel J. Siegel
A guide on parenting that uses neuroscience to help children develop emotionally and cognitively.
How to Have a Good Day
Caroline Webb
Practical strategies grounded in behavioral science to improve productivity and well-being at work.
The Seven Principles for Making Marriage Work
John Gottman
Relationship advice based on scientific research to help couples build stronger marriages.
The Gifts of Imperfection
Brené Brown
Discusses embracing imperfections as a path to a wholehearted life.
Speaking with Spirit
Agapi Stassinopoulos
Insights on connecting with one's inner self and finding spiritual strength.
Julia Baird
Explores the concept of resilience and finding joy in small moments, particularly in difficult times.
Anatomy of the Spirit
Caroline Myss
A guide to spiritual healing, integrating Eastern and Western beliefs about health and the human spirit.
Gregg Michael Levoy
Discusses the concept of callings, offering insights into finding one’s life purpose.
The Emotionally Intelligent Investor
Ravee Mehta
Combines emotional intelligence and investing principles to help readers make better financial decisions.
Punished by Rewards
Alfie Kohn
Argues against traditional reward-based systems in education, parenting, and management.
Lincoln's Melancholy
Joshua Wolf Shenk
Explores Abraham Lincoln’s struggles with depression and how it shaped his leadership.
How to Stop Worrying and Start Living
Dale Carnegie
A self-help classic offering practical advice on reducing stress and anxiety in daily life.
Rollo May
Explores existential psychology, discussing themes like purpose, anxiety, and personal responsibility.
Robert Nozick
Discusses the nature of objective reality, presenting Nozick's philosophical perspectives on invariance and value.
Strangers to Ourselves
Timothy D. Wilson
Explores the concept of the unconscious mind and its influence on our decisions and behavior.
The Anatomy of Disgust
William Ian Miller
Analyzes the concept of disgust and its influence on human behavior and social norms.
Private Truths, Public Lies
Timur Kuran
Analyzes why people often conceal their true beliefs in social and political settings.
Toward a Theory of Instruction
Jerome Bruner
Discusses educational theories and the role of culture in cognitive development.
Cognitive Gadgets
Cecilia Heyes
Examines how human thinking has evolved through social interactions and cultural learning.
The Origins of You
Jay Belsky
Explores factors influencing development from childhood to adulthood based on a large, long-term study.
The Tools
Phil Stutz
A self-help book that provides techniques to improve motivation and overcome life's obstacles.
The Captive Mind
Czeslaw Milosz
Examines the psychological effects of totalitarianism on intellectuals in Eastern Europe.
James Gleick
Examines the nature of genius and intelligence, exploring cognitive abilities and personality traits.
The Scientist in the Crib
Alison Gopnik
Investigates early childhood cognitive development and how babies learn and understand the world.
The King and the Corpse
Heinrich Zimmer
Explores myths and folklore through a psychoanalytic lens, linking stories to human psychology.
Two Essays on Analytical Psychology
Carl Jung
Introduces key ideas in Jung's analytical psychology, including the concepts of archetypes and the psyche.
Symbols of Transformation
Carl Jung
Jung's work on the symbols that appear in myths, dreams, and the unconscious.
Mysterium Coniunctionis
Carl Jung
Explores Jung's theory of the process of individuation, focused on symbolism in alchemy.
Psychology and Alchemy
Carl Jung
Examines alchemical symbols and their psychological significance in Jung’s analytical psychology.
Psychology and Religion
Carl Jung
Examines the psychological aspects of religious belief and practice.
The Symbolic Life
Carl Jung
Collection of Jung’s writings on symbolism in various aspects of life, including dreams and myths.
On Bullshit
Harry G. Frankfurt
A philosophical essay on the nature of "bullshit" and its impact on society.
Rational Decisions
Ken Binmore
Explores decision theory, focusing on the rationality behind human choices.
Answer to Job
Carl Jung
Jung’s interpretation of the Biblical story of Job, exploring the nature of God and human suffering.
Carl Jung
Jung’s theory of meaningful coincidences and their psychological significance.
The Origins and History of Consciousness
Erich Neumann
Explores the development of consciousness and psychological symbols, influenced by Jungian analysis.
The Great Mother
Erich Neumann
Examines the archetype of the Great Mother across cultures and myths.
Under the Influence
Robert H. Frank
Examines how social context influences individual economic decisions.
Breaking the Social Media Prism
Chris Bail
Explores how social media distorts reality and impacts political views.
The Science of Words
George A. Miller
Examines the psychology of language and how humans understand words.
Dream Teams
Shane Snow
Examines what makes successful teams by analyzing the dynamics of teamwork and collaboration.
Win Bigly
Scott Adams
Explores the psychology of persuasion and influence, using the 2016 U.S. presidential election as a case study.
The Secret Pulse of Time
Stefan Klein
Examines how humans perceive and interact with time, blending psychology and science.
Nick Littlehales
Offers strategies and insights on how to optimize sleep for better health and performance.
God's Debris
Scott Adams
A philosophical exploration of reality, consciousness, and existence in the form of a fictional dialogue.
Now, Discover Your Strengths
Don Clifton
A guide to identifying and utilizing individual strengths for personal and professional growth.
I and Thou
Martin Buber
Discusses the nature of relationships and human connection from a philosophical perspective.
The Power of Positive Thinking
Norman Vincent Peale
A classic self-help book on the power of optimism and belief in achieving success.
Mind Wide Open
Steven Johnson
Explores how the brain works and what modern neuroscience reveals about the human mind.
The Art of Learning
Josh Waitzkin
Shares lessons on mastery and mental growth through the author's journey in chess and martial arts.
The Psychology of Achievement
Brian Tracy
Discusses goal-setting and self-discipline techniques for achieving success.
Practical Intuition
Laura Day
A guide to developing intuition for personal and professional decision-making.
The Female Brain
Louann Brizendine
Examines the neurological differences between male and female brains and their impacts on behavior.
The Luck Factor
Richard Wiseman
Explores the role of luck in success and provides strategies to improve one's luck.
The Ambiguities of Experience
James G. March
Examines how individuals interpret experiences and how these interpretations shape decisions.
William Ian Miller
An exploration of humiliation's role in human behavior and social dynamics.
Escape from Freedom
Erich Fromm
A psychological analysis of freedom and its psychological challenges in modern society.
Age of Propaganda
Anthony R. Pratkanis
Examines the tactics and psychology behind modern propaganda and persuasion.
Men Against Fire
S.L. A. Marshall
A military analysis of soldiers' behavior in combat situations.
The Social Animal
David Brooks
Explores human behavior, social connections, and happiness through a fictional narrative.
The Reason I Jump
Naoki Higashida
A firsthand account from a young boy with autism, explaining his perspective on the world.
The Road Back to You
Ian Morgan Cron
A guide to understanding personality through the Enneagram system.
The Psychology of Money
Morgan Housel
Explores attitudes towards money and financial decision-making from a psychological perspective.
The Antidote
Oliver Burkeman
Challenges positive thinking and advocates embracing uncertainty and failure.
In Pursuit
Charles Murray
Explores human achievement, focusing on innovation and creativity.
Virginia M. Satir
Explores self-worth and provides techniques for personal growth and improved relationships.
The Crack in the Cosmic Egg
Joseph Chilton Pearce
Explores concepts of consciousness and human potential.
The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception
James J. Gibson
Introduces ecological psychology, emphasizing direct perception and interaction with the environment.
How to Survive the Loss of a Love
Peter McWilliams
Offers emotional support and guidance for coping with loss and grief.
Suffering Is Optional
Cheri Huber
A guide to mindfulness and changing negative thought patterns.
Things Never to Tell Children
The School of Life
A humorous guide on how adults should approach sensitive topics with children.
It Didn't Start with You
Mark Wolynn
Examines how family trauma is passed down through generations and strategies for healing.
Dr. Daniel Siegel M.D.
A guide to mindfulness and meditation techniques to increase self-awareness.
Judgment in Managerial Decision Making
Max H. Bazerman
Explores common biases and strategies to improve decision-making in management.
Chip Conley
Explores the concept of deliberate practice and how it leads to expertise in various fields.
Don't Fall For It
Ben Carlson
A look at common financial scams and the psychology of financial fraud.
Susan Blackmore
Explores the science and philosophy behind consciousness and the human mind.
Psychology For The Fighting Man
Committee Of The National Research Counc
A practical guide on psychology for military training, originally published during WWII.
The Happiness Curve
Jonathan Rauch
Examines how happiness changes over the course of life, with insights into the “midlife crisis.”
Algorithms To Live By
Brian Christian
Explores how computer algorithms can apply to everyday human decisions.
The Gardener and the Carpenter
Alison Gopnik
Compares parenting to gardening, focusing on nurturing rather than strict cultivation.
For the Love of Men
Liz Plank
Discusses masculinity and the social expectations that impact men.
Impossible to Ignore
Carmen Simon
Insights on how to create memorable content to influence decisions.
Dementia Præcox and Paraphrenia
Emil Kraepelin
A foundational work in understanding schizophrenia and other mental disorders.
Virus of the Mind
Richard Brodie
Explores memetics, the study of mental viruses and how ideas spread through society.
The Time Paradox
Dr. Philip Zimbardo
Explores how individuals' perceptions of time influence their behavior and mental health.
Women Who Love Too Much
Robin Norwood
Discusses the psychological reasons why some women stay in toxic relationships and how to change.
What Every BODY is Saying
Joe Navarro
Offers insights into reading body language and understanding nonverbal cues in communication.
Learning To Love Yourself
Gay Hendricks
A self-help book on fostering self-acceptance and compassion for personal growth.
The Inner Lives of Markets
Ray Fisman
Examines the psychology of market behavior and how individuals' decisions shape economic systems.
Emotional Equations
Chip Conley
Explores emotions and offers “equations” for understanding and managing different emotional states.
Happy Money
Elizabeth Dunn
Explores how people can make spending money more fulfilling and contribute to happiness.
The Social Animal
Elliot Aronson
Explores human behavior, social connections, and happiness through a fictional narrative.
A Manual for Being Human
Dr Sophie Mort
A guide on understanding mental health and managing emotions for better well-being.
On Grief and Grieving
Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
Guide to understanding grief and coping strategies based on the five stages of grief.
My Brother Ron
Clayton E. Cramer
A personal narrative exploring the mental health crisis in America and the impact of deinstitutionalization.
Mindful Design
Scott Riley
A guide to integrating mindfulness principles into UX and digital design.
Shook One
Charlamagne Tha God
A personal look at anxiety and mental health in the public eye.
Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
Charles MacKay
Analysis of economic bubbles and human behavior in speculative markets.
Option B
Sheryl Sandberg
A guide to resilience in the face of life’s challenges, drawing from Sandberg’s own experiences.
Clearer, Closer, Better
Emily Balcetis
Insights into how perception affects goal achievement.
The Fear Factor
Abigail Marsh
Insights into the psychology and neuroscience of altruism and empathy.
The Crowd
Gustave Le Bon
Classic exploration of the psychology of crowds and group behavior.
The H Factor of Personality
Kibeom Lee
Examination of personality traits and their impact on behavior.
Waking the Tiger
Peter A. Levine
Insights on healing trauma through an understanding of the body's responses.
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Janet G. Woititz
Insight into the challenges and dynamics faced by adult children of alcoholics.
Sperm Wars
Robin Baker
Examination of human sexual behavior from an evolutionary perspective.
Too Soon Old, Too Late Smart
Gordon Livingston
Lessons on life, happiness, and mental well-being.
Lessons for the Living
Stan Goldberg
Reflections from a hospice volunteer on life and death.
The Pathology of Normalcy
Erich Fromm
Analysis of societal conformity and psychological health.
Talent Is Overrated
Geoff Colvin
Examines the role of deliberate practice in achieving excellence.
Life Is in the Transitions
Bruce Feiler
Study of life transitions and resilience in personal growth.
Everything Bad is Good for You
Steven Johnson
Argument that modern media is beneficial for cognitive development.
The Psychopath Test
Jon Ronson
Investigation into psychopathy and the mental health industry.
Steven Johnson
Examines the process of decision-making and the importance of foresight.
Tryptamine Palace
James Oroc
Exploration of psychedelics and altered states of consciousness.
The Psychedelic Journey of Marlene Dobkin de Rios
Marlene Dobkin de Rios Ph.D.
Study of shamanism and psychedelic experiences.
Raising Girls
Steve Biddulph
Guide for raising girls, covering developmental stages and psychological needs.
The Joyous Cosmology
Alan Watts
Exploration of psychedelic experiences and their impact on consciousness.
Frank Partnoy
Explores the benefits of delaying decisions and how timing affects outcomes in various fields.
The Biology of Desire
Marc Lewis
Examines addiction from a neuroscientific perspective, challenging conventional views of addiction.
Jean-Michel Oughourlian
Examines political behavior and dynamics through René Girard's theory of mimesis.
Consciousness Medicine
Françoise Bourzat
Combines psychology and spiritual healing, focusing on consciousness and therapeutic approaches.
Peak Performance
Brad Stulberg
Explores the science of productivity and performance, with strategies for achieving peak levels in various fields.
Algorithms to Live By
Brian Christian
Explores how computer algorithms can apply to everyday human decisions.
Battle Studies
Ardant du Picq
Classic military text on warfare, exploring human behavior and combat psychology.
Lead Yourself First
Raymond M. Kethledge
Explores the concept of solitude as a tool for leadership and personal growth.
Smart Choices
John S. Hammond
A practical approach to making better decisions in business and life.
What's Your Problem?
Thomas Wedell-Wedellsborg
Introduces a framework for problem-solving and reframing challenges.
Outwitting the Devil
Napoleon Hill
A self-help book with insights on overcoming mental barriers and achieving success.
Psychology of Intelligence Analysis
Richards J. Heuer
Guide on improving decision-making in intelligence analysis, useful in various fields.
Three New People
Brian Miller
Guide to developing connections and social relationships in modern life.
Profile of a Nation
Bandy X. Lee
Analysis of psychological patterns in U.S. leadership and their implications.
The Courage to be Happy
Ichiro Kishimi
Follows Adlerian psychology, exploring ways to achieve happiness.
The Act of Creation
Arthur Koestler
Analysis of the creative process across art, science, and humor.
Creativity and the Brain
Mario Tokoro
Explores the connection between creativity and brain science.
No Hiding Place
William Seabrook
Memoir reflecting on the darker aspects of the human experience.
Who am I?
Steven Reiss
Exploration of human motivation and the factors that shape personality.
Matthieu Ricard
Insights into achieving lasting happiness through meditation and compassion.
David Eagleman
Examination of the unconscious mind and its influence on our lives.
Discovering Your Personality Type
Don Richard Riso
Guide to understanding personality through the Enneagram system.
The Dark Side of the Light Chasers
Debbie Ford
Exploration of self-acceptance and embracing one’s hidden personality traits.
The Nurture Assumption
Judith Rich Harris
Analysis of how parenting and peer influence shape human development.
This Will Make You Smarter
John Brockman
Collection of insights from scientists and thinkers on improving intelligence.
Who's in Charge?
Michael S. Gazzaniga
Exploration of neuroscience and the concept of free will.
Way of the Champion
Jerry Lynch
Sports psychology guide on mental training for peak performance.
The Gift of Adversity
Norman E Rosenthal M.D.
Insights on resilience and personal growth through adversity, based on clinical experience and personal stories.
Rational Ritual
Michael Suk-Young Chwe
Examination of how social coordination and rituals influence human behavior and decisions.
The Organized Mind
Daniel J. Levitin
Explores strategies for managing information overload and improving mental organization.
Why We Believe in God(s)
J. Anderson Thomson
Scientific exploration of the psychology and evolutionary basis for religious belief.
Eric Greitens
A practical guide on building mental and emotional resilience through Greitens' personal experiences and letters to a friend.
The Art of Manipulation
R. B. Sparkman
Guide on persuasion techniques and understanding human behavior.
How to Be a No-Limit Person
Dr. Wayne Dyer
Self-help book encouraging personal empowerment and mental growth.
Changing Minds
Howard Gardner
Analysis of how people change their minds, focusing on Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences.
Randy Alcorn
Insights into achieving lasting happiness through meditation and compassion.
Suggestible You
Erik Vance
Exploration of the power of suggestion and the placebo effect on health and behavior.
Life, Animated
Ron Suskind
Memoir of a family using Disney movies to connect with their autistic son.
Explaining Social Behavior
Jon Elster
Comprehensive overview of theories and concepts in social science.
Barking Up the Wrong Tree
Eric Barker
Self-help guide on unconventional strategies for success and happiness.
Nicholas Epley
Exploration of social psychology, focusing on understanding others' thoughts and emotions.
The Motivation Myth
Jeff Haden
Guide challenging traditional ideas about motivation, focusing on daily habits and goals.
Melissa A Schilling
Examination of innovators who defy conventions to achieve success.
On Confidence
The School of Life
Insights into building confidence and overcoming self-doubt.
The Inflamed Mind
Edward Bullmore
Exploration of the link between inflammation and mental health.
You're Too Good to Feel This Bad
Dr. Nate Dallas
Guide to mental health and overcoming burnout.
The Art of Impossible
Steven Kotler
Explores achieving high performance through mental conditioning.
The Bias That Divides Us
Keith E. Stanovich
Examination of biases in society and their impact on thinking.
Getting to Yes with Yourself
William Ury
Guide to improving personal and professional relationships.
Emotional Intelligence for Sales Success
Colleen Stanley
Focuses on developing emotional intelligence to improve sales performance.
The Psychology of Selling
Brian Tracy
Explores the mental aspects of selling and how to leverage them.
Nir Eyal
Explores how to create products that captivate users through behavioral design.
To Sell Is Human
Daniel Pink
Discusses the importance of selling in everyday life and offers new techniques.
An Everyone Culture
Robert Kegan
Analysis of organizations that prioritize employee development and personal growth.
The Power of Moments
Chip Heath
Examines how moments shape experiences and how to create impactful ones.
Tiny Habits
BJ Fogg Ph.D
Explores the science of habit formation, offering strategies to build positive habits and make lasting changes.
The Willpower Instinct
Kelly McGonigal
Techniques for understanding and improving self-control.
Mind Gym
Gary Mack
A sports psychology book offering mental strategies to improve athletic performance and focus.
More Than You Know
Michael Mauboussin
Discusses multidisciplinary insights in investing, combining ideas from psychology, complexity theory, and finance.
George Leonard
Explores the process of attaining mastery by studying the lives and techniques of historical figures.
Richard H. Thaler
Discusses how subtle interventions (nudges) can influence decision-making and improve outcomes in public policy and personal choices.