Explore books in the Theology category
8 books in this category

The Jewish Annotated New Testament
Amy-Jill Levine
A scholarly edition of the New Testament with annotations from a Jewish perspective, providing historical context.

The Doctrine of Deification in the Greek Patristic Tradition
Norman Russell
Examines the Christian concept of deification in early Greek theology, tracing its origins and interpretations.

Gabriel Said Reynolds
A comprehensive study of the concept of Allah in Islamic theology, exploring its historical and religious significance.

Preaching Christ in All of Scripture
Edmund P. Clowney
Guide for Christian leaders on biblical teachings of Christ.

Christ-Centered Biblical Theology
Graeme Goldsworthy
Theological work focused on interpreting the Bible through a Christ-centered lens.

According to Plan
Graeme Goldsworthy
Guide on understanding the Bible’s structure and narrative as a unified whole.

The Goldsworthy Trilogy
Graeme Goldsworthy
Theological trilogy focused on understanding the Bible through Christ-centered themes.

Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics
Graeme Goldsworthy
Guide on interpreting biblical texts with a gospel-focused approach.