Alan Kay
Computing pioneer and innovator, known for foundational work in user interfaces and programming languages.
14 books recommended
The Mythical Man-Month
Frederick P. Brooks Jr.
A classic on software engineering and project management, highlighting the challenges of large-scale software development.
The Principia
Isaac Newton
A foundational work in physics and mathematics, introducing the laws of motion and universal gravitation.
Molecular Biology of the Cell
Bruce Alberts
A comprehensive textbook on cell biology, covering molecular mechanisms and cellular functions.
20000 Leagues Under the Sea
Jules Verne
A classic adventure novel following Captain Nemo and his submarine Nautilus, exploring underwater wonders and dangers.
Marvin Lee Minsky
An introduction to computational theory, covering fundamental concepts in artificial intelligence and cognitive science.
LISP 1.5 Programmer's Manual
John McCarthy
A guide to programming in LISP, focusing on the version 1.5, foundational to the development of AI and computer science.
The Art of the Metaobject Protocol
Gregor Kiczales
A technical book on metaobject protocols and their use in programming, particularly in object-oriented systems.
The Sciences of the Artificial
Herbert A Simon
Explores the nature of artificial sciences, discussing systems design, complexity, and problem-solving.
Edith Hamilton
A retelling of ancient Greek, Roman, and Norse myths, providing insights into classical mythology.
Molecular Biology of the Gene
James Watson
An authoritative textbook on molecular biology, covering fundamental concepts of genetics and cell biology.
A Programming Language
Kenneth E. Iverson
A foundational work introducing APL, a powerful and expressive programming language.
The Organ-Builder
Francois Bedos de Celles
A treatise on the art of building organs, exploring technical and aesthetic aspects.
Art in the Blood
Bonnie MacBird
Sherlock Holmes mystery novel set in Victorian London.
Advances in Programming and Non-Numerical Computation
L Fox
Exploration of developments in programming languages and algorithms.
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