Bryan Johnson
Founder of Kernel and Blueprint, focusing on biohacking and health optimization for longevity.
22 books recommended

Ray Dalio
Dalio shares life and business principles that emphasize radical transparency, structured decision-making, and learning from failure to achieve growth.

Man's Search for Meaning
Viktor E. Frankl
Reflects on life in Nazi concentration camps, introducing logotherapy, which posits that meaning can be found even in suffering.

Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman
Explores the two systems of human thought—fast, intuitive thinking and slow, deliberate reasoning—analyzing how biases shape decisions and behavior.

Zero to One
Peter Thiel & Blake Masters
Emphasizes building unique companies that create new markets, focusing on independent thinking, avoiding competition, and driving innovation.

Hermann Hesse
A spiritual journey of self-discovery narrated through the life of Siddhartha, exploring themes of enlightenment and inner peace.

Alfred Lansing
The incredible true story of Ernest Shackleton's ill-fated Antarctic expedition and the crew's heroic survival.

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Robert M. Pirsig
A philosophical exploration of quality, values, and the nature of life, framed through a motorcycle journey.

Why We Sleep
Matthew Walker
Explores the importance of sleep and its impact on physical and mental health.

Robert M. Sapolsky
An exploration of human behavior from a biological and social perspective, delving into neuroscience, psychology, and ethics.

The Coddling of the American Mind
Greg Lukianoff
Discusses how overprotection and the avoidance of discomfort are leading to increased anxiety and decreased resilience among young people.

The Gene
Siddhartha Mukherjee
A comprehensive history of genetics, exploring scientific discoveries, ethical implications, and the future of gene-based medicine.

But What If We're Wrong?
Chuck Klosterman
Explores the possibility that many of our current beliefs may one day be proven incorrect, challenging our perceptions of certainty.

A Mind at Play
Jimmy Soni
Biography of Claude Shannon, the father of information theory, highlighting his contributions to mathematics and technology.

Tim O'Reilly
Explores how technology and innovation shape society, examining the role of business in addressing modern challenges.

Tobias Dantzig
A historical exploration of the concept of numbers and mathematics, from ancient times to modern theories.

Edwin A. Abbott
A classic novella exploring dimensions and societal structures through the story of a two-dimensional world.

A Good Man
Mark Shriver
A memoir reflecting on the life of the author’s father, Sargent Shriver.

Bend the Curve
Andrew Razeghi
Strategies for innovation and creative problem-solving.

Charles Seife
Exploration of the concept of zero and its impact on science and philosophy.

The End Of Science
John Horgan
Critique of modern science and exploration of whether we've reached the limits of scientific knowledge.
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