Danny Miranda
Host known for insightful and authentic conversations that delve deep into guests' thoughts.
25 books recommended
The War of Art
Steven Pressfield
A motivational guide on overcoming creative blocks and achieving personal and artistic goals.
Thinking in Bets
Annie Duke
Explores how thinking like a poker player can lead to better decision-making under uncertainty.
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
Explores the science of habit formation and how understanding habits can lead to positive change.
The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer
Explores how to free oneself from the limitations of the mind and achieve inner peace.
The Four Agreements
Don Miguel Ruiz
Presents four simple agreements that can lead to personal freedom and a fulfilling life.
Delivering Happiness
Tony Hsieh
The story of how Zappos built a culture of customer service and happiness, leading to its success.
Awaken the Giant Within
Tony Robbins
A self-help book offering strategies to take control of one's life, master emotions, and achieve personal and professional goals.
Extreme Ownership
Jocko Willink
Shares leadership principles learned as Navy SEALs, emphasizing accountability, teamwork, and effective decision-making.
Ego Is the Enemy
Ryan Holiday
Discusses how ego can hinder personal and professional growth, advocating for humility and discipline.
Daniel Pink
Explores what motivates people, emphasizing autonomy, mastery, and purpose.
10% Happier
Dan Harris
A journalist’s journey into mindfulness, focusing on practical benefits and personal transformation through meditation.
Trust Me, I'm Lying
Ryan Holiday
A critique of media manipulation and the strategies used to influence public perception.
How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big
Scott Adams
The creator of *Dilbert* shares lessons on embracing failure as a path to success, with humor and practical tips.
Digital Minimalism
Cal Newport
Advocates for a more intentional use of technology to reclaim focus, productivity, and mental well-being.
Chasing Excellence
Ben Bergeron
Insights on achieving peak performance in life and fitness, from a top CrossFit coach.
The Winners Manual
Jim Tressel
Guide to life’s fundamentals, including discipline and self-motivation.
Ignore Everybody
Hugh MacLeod
Guide to creativity and pursuing one’s unique vision in life.
Conscious Living
Gay Hendricks
Guide on living with self-awareness and embracing conscious relationships.
With Winning in Mind
Lanny R. Bassham
Guide to mental training for peak performance, written by an Olympic medalist.
30 Lessons for Living
Karl A. Pillemer
Life lessons gathered from interviews with the elderly.
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