Dr Gabor Mate
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7 books recommended

What Doesn't Kill Us
Scott Carney
A journalist explores the science of resilience, endurance, and physical adaptation by following extreme conditioning practices.

A. A. Milne
A beloved children’s book following the adventures of Pooh and his friends, highlighting themes of friendship and curiosity.

The Dhammapada
Eknath Easwaran
A central text in Buddhism, offering teachings on ethics, mindfulness, and wisdom.

Don Quixote
Miguel De Cervantes
A classic novel about a nobleman’s fantastical adventures, exploring themes of idealism and reality.

The Drama of the Gifted Child
Alice Miller
Explores childhood trauma and its impact on adult behavior, advocating for self-awareness and healing.

Waking the Tiger
Peter A. Levine
Insights on healing trauma through an understanding of the body's responses.

The Scourge of the Swastika
Edward Frederick Langley Russell
Account of Nazi atrocities during World War II, focusing on human rights abuses.
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