Jay Z
Rapper and entrepreneur with ventures in music, fashion, and entertainment.
7 books recommended

Between the World and Me
Ta-Nehisi Coates
A powerful reflection on race, identity, and history in America, written as a letter to the author's son.

Malcolm Gladwell
Explores the factors that contribute to high levels of success, highlighting the role of opportunity, culture, and timing.

Purple Cow
Seth Godin
Advocates for creating remarkable products that stand out in the market.

The Odyssey
An ancient Greek epic poem detailing Odysseus’s journey home, exploring themes of perseverance, adventure, and heroism.

The Seat of the Soul
Gary Zukav
Explores spirituality, consciousness, and the human soul, advocating for authentic power and compassion.

The Celestine Prophecy
James Redfield
A spiritual adventure novel about discovering life’s meaning through a series of “insights.”

Dick Gregory
Autobiography of comedian Dick Gregory, detailing his experiences with racism and activism.
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