Justin Kan
Co-founder of Twitch, a pioneer in live streaming and video content.
10 books recommended
High Output Management
Andrew S. Grove
Insights from former Intel CEO on managing teams, scaling operations, and increasing efficiency.
Hermann Hesse
A spiritual journey of self-discovery narrated through the life of Siddhartha, exploring themes of enlightenment and inner peace.
Atomic Habits
James Clear
Provides practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones, focusing on small but powerful changes.
The Score Takes Care of Itself
Bill Walsh
Insights on leadership and success from the legendary coach of the San Francisco 49ers.
Can't Hurt Me
David Goggins
The autobiography of an elite athlete and Navy SEAL, sharing his journey of mental toughness and overcoming obstacles.
The Power of Now
Eckhart Tolle
Discusses the importance of living in the present moment, incorporating spiritual teachings on mindfulness and consciousness.
The 15 Commitments of Conscious Leadership
Jim Dethmer
A guide to leadership based on mindfulness, accountability, and personal growth to foster conscious workplace cultures.
Leadership and Self-Deception
The Arbinger Institute
Explores the impact of self-deception on leadership effectiveness.
Dare to Lead
Brené Brown
Focuses on building trust and meaningful connections, crucial for leadership and networking.
Playing to Win
A. G. Lafley
Insights into business strategy from a former CEO of Procter & Gamble.
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