Michael Mauboussin
Investment strategist and author known for his research on value investing and decision-making.
48 books recommended
Give and Take
Adam Grant
Explores how being a giver, rather than a taker or matcher, can drive long-term success.
How to Change Your Mind
Michael Pollan
Investigates the resurgence of psychedelic drugs in science and medicine, exploring their effects on the mind and potential therapeutic uses.
Thinking in Bets
Annie Duke
Explores how thinking like a poker player can lead to better decision-making under uncertainty.
Enlightenment Now
Steven Pinker
Argues that reason, science, and humanism are driving forces behind progress and improving the world.
Why We Sleep
Matthew Walker
Explores the importance of sleep and its impact on physical and mental health.
Creativity, Inc.
Ed Catmull
Shares the behind-the-scenes story of Pixar and provides insights on leading creative teams.
David J. Epstein
Argues that generalists are more successful than specialists, especially in complex and unpredictable fields.
Philip E. Tetlock
A study on what makes some people exceptional at predicting future events, offering insights on decision-making and forecasting skills.
Robert M. Sapolsky
An exploration of human behavior from a biological and social perspective, delving into neuroscience, psychology, and ethics.
Billion Dollar Whale
Tom Wright
Investigates the 1MDB scandal involving Jho Low, exposing one of the largest financial frauds in history and its impact on global finance.
How to Decide
Annie Duke
Provides a framework for making better decisions using insights from cognitive psychology and decision science.
The Coddling of the American Mind
Greg Lukianoff
Discusses how overprotection and the avoidance of discomfort are leading to increased anxiety and decreased resilience among young people.
Extreme Ownership
Jocko Willink
Shares leadership principles learned as Navy SEALs, emphasizing accountability, teamwork, and effective decision-making.
Robert Cialdini
Explores how to prepare people to be receptive to a message before they experience it, enhancing persuasive effectiveness.
Who We Are and How We Got Here
David Reich
Explores human history through genetic research, revealing insights about ancient migrations and the mixing of populations.
The Outsiders
William N. Thorndike
Examines successful CEOs who used unconventional strategies to achieve growth.
Bad Blood
John Carreyrou
The investigation into Theranos and the story of startup fraud by Elizabeth Holmes.
Secrets of Sand Hill Road
Scott Kupor
Insights into venture capital and startup funding.
The Sports Gene
David Epstein
Explores the role of genetics in athletic performance, examining the nature-vs-nurture debate in sports.
Work Rules!
Laszlo Bock
Insights from Google on building a great workplace culture.
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