Neville Medhora
Copywriter and marketing expert known for his humorous approach to selling through words.
11 books recommended
Save The Cat!
Blake Snyder
A popular screenwriting guide that provides a formula for crafting compelling stories and characters.
Think and Grow Rich
Napoleon Hill
Classic guide on achieving personal and financial success through mindset.
Ogilvy on Advertising
David Ogilvy
Insights into advertising from one of the industry's legends, offering principles and strategies for effective ads.
Getting Everything You Can Out of All You've Got
Jay Abraham
Strategies for maximizing business resources and opportunities.
A Manual for Living
A classic Stoic text offering advice on resilience, self-discipline, and leading a virtuous life.
How to Get Rich
Felix Dennis
A candid guide to wealth-building from a successful entrepreneur, focusing on mindset and strategy.
The Boron Letters
Gary Halbert
A series of letters on direct marketing, offering insights into copywriting and marketing strategies.
A Whack on the Side of the Head
Roger von Oech
A creativity guide offering exercises and techniques for breaking out of conventional thinking patterns.
This is Earl Nightingale
Earl Nightingale
A collection of motivational thoughts and lessons from the personal development speaker and author Earl Nightingale.
How To Make Maximum Money In Minimum Time
Gary Halbert
Direct response marketing strategies focused on increasing sales and profitability.
Advertising Secrets of the Written Word
Joseph Sugarman
Guide to creating compelling advertisements that drive sales.
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