Satya Nadella
CEO of Microsoft, known for transforming company culture and driving growth in cloud computing.
20 books recommended

Play Nice But Win
Michael Dell
The story of Michael Dell's journey from building PCs in his dorm room to leading a global tech company.

AI Superpowers
Kai-Fu Lee
Explores the rise of artificial intelligence in China and the US, and how it will shape the global future.

Carol S. Dweck
Explores the concept of a growth mindset and how it can lead to greater success and fulfillment.

Deep Learning
Ian Goodfellow
Machine learning, Neural networks, AI algorithms

The Moment of Lift
Melinda Gates
Explores how empowering women lifts societies, with personal stories from Gates’ philanthropic work.

No Rules Rules
Reed Hastings
Details Netflix’s unique company culture that emphasizes innovation, freedom, and accountability.

Tools and Weapons
Brad Smith
Microsoft’s President shares insights on technology’s power to impact society, discussing issues like privacy, AI, and regulation.

The Rise and Fall of American Growth
Robert J. Gordon
Examines the history of American economic growth and its future prospects.

Masters of Scale
Reid Hoffman
Shares insights from successful entrepreneurs on scaling businesses, based on the author’s podcast.

The Great Transformation
Karl Polanyi
Analyzes the development of market economies and the impact of industrialization on society.

Nonviolent Communication
Marshall B. Rosenberg
Introduces methods for improving communication through empathy, active listening, and conflict resolution.

Competing in the Age of AI
Marco Iansiti
A strategic guide for business leaders to understand how AI is reshaping industries and businesses.

The Boys in the Boat
Daniel James Brown
Tells the inspiring story of the 1936 U.S. Olympic rowing team, highlighting teamwork and resilience.

An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
Chris Hadfield
Astronaut Chris Hadfield shares life lessons from his career, focusing on adaptability, preparation, and teamwork.

The Great Convergence
Richard Baldwin
Discusses globalization and the convergence of developing and developed economies.

The Narrow Corridor
Daron Acemoglu
Explores how societies achieve freedom, stability, and cooperation between the state and citizens.

Forged in Crisis
Nancy Koehn
Historical analysis of leaders who overcame significant adversity.

Shaping the Future of the Fourth Industrial Revolution
Klaus Schwab
Overview of the potential impacts of technological advancement on society.

The New Leadership Literacies
Bob Johansen
Guide for developing leadership skills in an increasingly digital, volatile world.

Colin Mayer
Argument for rethinking corporate structures to benefit society.
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