Steve Jurvetson
Venture capitalist known for investing in futuristic tech, including space and AI.
8 books recommended

Ready Player One
Ernest Cline
A dystopian sci-fi novel set in a future where people escape reality through a virtual reality game.

Gödel, Escher, Bach
Douglas R. Hofstadter
A deep exploration of the connections between mathematics, art, and music, with reflections on consciousness and self-reference.

Peter Diamandis
Discussion on the potential for technology to create abundance and solve global problems.

The Fabric of Reality
David Deutsch
Discusses theories of quantum physics, evolution, computation, and knowledge, proposing a unified "theory of everything."

A New Kind of Science
Stephen Wolfram
Explores the concept of computational systems, proposing new ways to understand science and complex systems.

Out Of Control
Kevin Kelly
Explores the idea of decentralized systems and how they could shape the future of technology, business, and biology.

The Age of Spiritual Machines
Ray Kurzweil
A look into the future of artificial intelligence, predicting how it will impact society and human consciousness.

The Scientist in the Crib
Alison Gopnik
Investigates early childhood cognitive development and how babies learn and understand the world.
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