Tom Keene
Host of Bloomberg Surveillance, known for his deep understanding of macroeconomics and finance news.
10 books recommended

I Love Capitalism!
Ken Langone
The memoir of Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone, discussing his entrepreneurial journey and belief in the free market.

Gore Vidal
A fictionalized biography of Abraham Lincoln, capturing his political and personal struggles during the Civil War.

The World
Richard Haass
Provides an overview of global politics, examining how history, culture, and economics shape international relations.

The Death of Expertise
Tom Nichols
Examines the growing distrust of expertise in society, discussing its causes and implications for democracy.

Grave New World
Stephen D. King
Analyzes the future of globalization, exploring political and economic challenges in a changing world order.

The Rise and Fall of Nations
Ruchir Sharma
Analyzes the economic rise and decline of nations, focusing on trends that shape global prosperity.

The Curse of Cash
Kenneth S. Rogoff
Argues for a reduction in physical cash to curb crime and improve economic policy.

The Economists' Diet
Christopher Payne
Practical tips for weight loss through economic principles.

64 Shots
Kevin Roberts
Collection of business and marketing insights.

Elliot Ackerman
A speculative novel on a future conflict between the U.S. and China.
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