Biography unavailable
7 books recommended
Scott Gerber, Ryan Paugh
A book focused on creating meaningful connections and business relationships that matter.
Crucial Conversations
Kerry Patterson, Joseph Grenny, Ron McMillan, Al Switzler
A guide to handling high-stakes conversations that can improve relationships and communication.
Build Your Dream Network
J. Kelly Hoey
A modern guide on navigating networking in a hyper-connected digital world.
The Art of Mingling
Jeanne Martinet
Practical tips for mastering social situations and building connections at events.
The Like Switch
Jack Schafer
A guide on understanding social cues, building rapport, and making connections, from an ex-FBI agent.
Networking for People Who Hate Networking
Devora Zack
A guide for introverts and people who find networking challenging, offering alternative strategies to build relationships.
The Power of Who
Bob Beaudine
A guide to leveraging the power of existing relationships to achieve success.
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