Vinod Khosla
Founder of Khosla Ventures, investing in clean tech and impactful startups with a focus on innovation.
55 books recommended
Yuval Noah Harari
Explores the evolution of Homo sapiens, examining how biology, myths, and revolutions have shaped civilizations and propelled humanity forward.
How to Change Your Mind
Michael Pollan
Investigates the resurgence of psychedelic drugs in science and medicine, exploring their effects on the mind and potential therapeutic uses.
Atomic Habits
James Clear
Provides practical strategies for building good habits and breaking bad ones, focusing on small but powerful changes.
The Checklist Manifesto
Atul Gawande
Discusses the power of checklists in improving efficiency, safety, and quality in a variety of fields.
Reid Hoffman & Chris Yeh
Explores the techniques used by companies like Amazon, Google, and Airbnb to grow at lightning speed.
Only the Paranoid Survive
Andrew S. Grove
Explains how to navigate strategic inflection points in business and adapt to change.
The Score Takes Care of Itself
Bill Walsh
Insights on leadership and success from the legendary coach of the San Francisco 49ers.
Skin in the Game
Nassim Taleb
Discusses the importance of risk-sharing and accountability in business, politics, and everyday life.
Jonathan Livingston Seagull
Richard Bach
A fable about a seagull who seeks to break free from the constraints of his flock to pursue his passion for flying.
Why We Sleep
Matthew Walker
Explores the importance of sleep and its impact on physical and mental health.
Nassim Taleb
Discusses the concept of antifragility—systems that benefit from chaos and uncertainty.
Homo Deus
Yuval Noah Harari
Examines the future of humanity, exploring the possibilities of technological advancements and human evolution.
David J. Epstein
Argues that generalists are more successful than specialists, especially in complex and unpredictable fields.
Robert M. Sapolsky
An exploration of human behavior from a biological and social perspective, delving into neuroscience, psychology, and ethics.
Safi Bahcall
Discusses nurturing unconventional ideas for innovation.
David Sinclair
Explores the science of aging and longevity.
What You Do Is Who You Are
Ben Horowitz
Examines how organizational culture is formed, offering lessons from historical and business leaders on leading by example.
The Coddling of the American Mind
Greg Lukianoff
Discusses how overprotection and the avoidance of discomfort are leading to increased anxiety and decreased resilience among young people.
Geoffrey West
Examines the underlying mathematical principles governing growth and sustainability in organisms, cities, and companies.
Deep Learning
Ian Goodfellow
Machine learning, Neural networks, AI algorithms
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