Charlie Munger
Vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, known for his wit and wisdom on investing and life.
39 books recommended

Robert B Cialdini PhD
Explores the psychology of why people say "yes" and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday life.

The Selfish Gene
Richard Dawkins
Explores the concept of the gene as the central unit of selection in evolution, introducing the idea of the "selfish gene."

Guns, Germs, and Steel
Jared Diamond
Examines the factors that have shaped human history, including geography, biology, and culture.

Only the Paranoid Survive
Andrew S. Grove
Explains how to navigate strategic inflection points in business and adapt to change.

Ron Chernow
A comprehensive biography of John D. Rockefeller, exploring his life, career, and impact on American industry.

Walter Isaacson
A biography of Albert Einstein, exploring his life, theories, and the impact of his work on science.

Getting to Yes
Roger Fisher
A practical guide to negotiating mutually beneficial agreements without compromising on key interests.

Malcolm Gladwell
Explores the factors that contribute to high levels of success, highlighting the role of opportunity, culture, and timing.

Benjamin Franklin
Walter Isaacson
Comprehensive biography of one of America's founding fathers.

The Outsiders
William N. Thorndike
Examines successful CEOs who used unconventional strategies to achieve growth.

The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin
Franklin's life story and his thoughts on self-improvement and civic responsibility.

Matt Ridley
Explores each human chromosome to discuss genes and their roles in human history, biology, and evolution.

The Wealth and Poverty of Nations
David S. Landes
Examines the factors that have contributed to the economic disparities between nations throughout history.

Hard Drive
James Wallace
The biography of Bill Gates and the early days of Microsoft, detailing his rise and the evolution of the tech giant.

The Little Book of Common Sense Investing
John C. Bogle
A guide to low-cost index fund investing, advocating for a long-term, passive investment approach.

The Blind Watchmaker
Richard Dawkins
Explores the process of evolution, emphasizing natural selection as a "blind" force that shapes complex life forms.

Pride in Performance
Les Schwab
The memoir of Les Schwab, founder of a successful tire company, emphasizing hard work and customer service.

Robert Cialdini
Offers practical techniques for persuasion, drawing from psychological principles to improve influence and negotiation.

In the Plex
Steven Levy
An inside look at Google’s culture, innovation, and impact on technology and society.

A Piece of the Action
Joe Nocera
Examines the rise of consumer finance in America, analyzing how banks and credit have shaped the economy.
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