Naval Ravikant
Entrepreneur and investor known for his philosophical insights on wealth and life.
152 books recommended
Ray Dalio
Dalio shares life and business principles that emphasize radical transparency, structured decision-making, and learning from failure to achieve growth.
Yuval Noah Harari
Explores the evolution of Homo sapiens, examining how biology, myths, and revolutions have shaped civilizations and propelled humanity forward.
Man's Search for Meaning
Viktor E. Frankl
Reflects on life in Nazi concentration camps, introducing logotherapy, which posits that meaning can be found even in suffering.
Thinking, Fast and Slow
Daniel Kahneman
Explores the two systems of human thought—fast, intuitive thinking and slow, deliberate reasoning—analyzing how biases shape decisions and behavior.
Marcus Aurelius
A series of personal writings by the Roman Emperor, reflecting on the practice of Stoic philosophy.
Robert B Cialdini PhD
Explores the psychology of why people say "yes" and how to apply these insights ethically in business and everyday life.
Snow Crash
Neal Stephenson
A fast-paced sci-fi novel that explores a dystopian future dominated by virtual reality and mega-corporations.
Poor Charlie's Almanack
Charlie Munger
A compilation of speeches and talks by Charlie Munger, highlighting his wit and wisdom on investing and life.
How to Change Your Mind
Michael Pollan
Investigates the resurgence of psychedelic drugs in science and medicine, exploring their effects on the mind and potential therapeutic uses.
"Surely You're Joking, Mr. Feynman!"
Richard P. Feynman
The memoir of physicist Richard Feynman, filled with humorous anecdotes and reflections on his career and curiosity.
Hermann Hesse
A spiritual journey of self-discovery narrated through the life of Siddhartha, exploring themes of enlightenment and inner peace.
The Rational Optimist
Matt Ridley
A compelling argument for the benefits of progress and human ingenuity, showing why the future is bright.
Tao Te Ching
Lao Tzu
A foundational text of Taoist philosophy, offering profound insights on life, balance, and harmony.
The Power of Habit
Charles Duhigg
Explores the science of habit formation and how understanding habits can lead to positive change.
The Lessons of History
Will & Ariel Durant
A concise examination of history's recurring themes, drawing from the authors' decades of historical research.
The Beginning of Infinity
David Deutsch
Explores the nature of scientific progress, knowledge, and the potential for human advancement.
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams
A comedic sci-fi novel that follows Arthur Dent's adventures through space after Earth is destroyed.
The Untethered Soul
Michael A. Singer
Explores how to free oneself from the limitations of the mind and achieve inner peace.
Homo Deus
Yuval Noah Harari
Examines the future of humanity, exploring the possibilities of technological advancements and human evolution.
A Pattern Language
Christopher Alexander
A practical guide to designing spaces that foster human connection and well-being.
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